Monday, January 02, 2006

So, for the last 2 days I've been having a new kind of pain. I still have the pain from the bursitis and from the pelvic separation, but now I have pain in my sacroiliac joint area. The sacroiliac joint is at the base of your spine where it connects with your pelvis. When I went to the chiropractor it was tender in that area and when I went to the pm&r doctor it was too. It hurt quite a bit when they pressed on it, but since it didn't hurt unless it was pressed, we didn't worry about it. But the pm&r doctor said if I had any problems with it to call. Now, when I walk, I have the pain in my hips and the pain in my pelvis and pain in my lower back/butt area. I am going to call my pm&r doctor and see if I can get in sometime soon so they can check it out. Sitting hurts, laying down hurts, standing hurts and walking hurts. I can't win. The good thing is that I have less than 9 weeks left.

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